
Grapefruit’s Digital Journey with INGENIUM - European University Alliance

They wanted a unified digital strategy that would harmonize diverse academic cultures and landscapes, with the goal of becoming an integrated European university that would include ten institutions from across the European Union.

Grapefruit’s Digital Journey with INGENIUM - European University Alliance


At Grapefruit, we pride ourselves on being more than just a digital company; we are a team of experts dedicated to transforming visions into digital realities. Therefore, the projects we choose to work on are always distinctive and creative.

That’s why we decided to partner forces with the INGENIUM Alliance, a consortium of 10 leading EU universities. From the onset of our collaboration, the ambition was evident. They wanted a unified digital strategy that would harmonize diverse academic cultures and landscapes, with the goal of becoming an integrated European university that would include ten institutions from across the European Union. This effort was more than just reshaping the digital landscape; it was a vision for expanding Europe’s educational future.

client background

Unifying 10 Cultures for a Singular Identity

The INGENIUM Alliance is a prestigious consortium led by the University of Oviedo. It boasts other notable institutions such as:

  • Medical University of Sofia
  • University of Crete
  • Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
  • South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
  • University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti – Pescara
  • University of Skövde
  • Munster Technological University
  • University of Rouen-Normandy
  • Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (TU IASI)

Their mission is multifaceted, from enhancing inter-university cooperation and innovating in education to fostering open communication and ensuring the sustainability of the Alliance.

Unifying 10 Cultures for a Singular Identity

Integrating 10 Universities into a Cohesive Digital Identity

The primary challenge was integrating the distinct identities of 10 universities into a cohesive digital brand.

Each institution came with its unique culture, academic ethos, and digital preferences. The task was not just about creating a strategy; it was about understanding and respecting the individuality of each member while crafting a unified digital voice.

To effectively reach our target audience, we collaborated closely with the INGENIUM Alliance universities. Using carefully crafted questionnaires and persona templates, we gained insights into each university’s audience. This effort was supplemented with extensive desk research and data from relevant country reports. With an abundance of information, our challenge was pinpointing shared interests to address the wider public’s needs.

The most significant impediment was blending the diverse cultures of 10 institutions into a cohesive identity. Through continuous engagement with university representatives and data-driven decisions, Grapefruit’s team successfully navigated this complexity.

Integrating 10 Universities into a Cohesive Digital Identity


Our team at Grapefruit set clear objectives in collaboration with INGENIUM:

• Develop a unified communication strategy that respects the unique characteristics of each member university.
• Design targeted content for various audience segments.
• Emphasize intercultural communication in both text and visuals.
• Create a contemporary design for both online and offline communication.


Proposed Solution

Our approach was holistic. We began with deep-dive user research, gathering insights into the requirements and preferences of various stakeholders, from students and staff to collaborators and the public. Using this data, we crafted detailed user personas, which became the foundation of our UX decisions.

For the website, we prioritized intuitive navigation, mobile responsiveness, and inclusivity in design. Recognizing the importance of linguistic and cultural diversity, we ensured that while British English was the primary communication medium, the languages of all member universities were integrated, respecting and promoting their unique traditions.


The implementation phase was a testament to Grapefruit’s collaborative spirit. We worked hand-in-hand with representatives from each university, ensuring that our solutions resonated with their identities while aligning with the collective vision of INGENIUM. From crafting a clear sitemap to designing an adaptive responsive website, every step was executed with precision and dedication.

Proposed Solution

The Results were Transformative

1. A unified digital identity for INGENIUM, bringing together 10 diverse universities under one cohesive brand.

2. Enhanced online visibility for all member universities.

3. Achieved an increase in target audience engagement by adopting a cohesive and unified digital approach.

4. Increased engagement on social media platforms, with thematically consistent and visually appealing posts.

5. Setting up of materials for the offline event “10 Days of INGENIUM”, in line with the INGENIUM visual identity.

The Results were Transformative

Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Irina Lungu

Pro-rector of International Relations - TU IASI

”The collaboration between Grapefruit and TU IASI grew with the curveball effect by imparting the Alliance vision and insight knowledge. As a member of the INGENIUM Alliance, which includes 10 European universities, we were looking for a partner to help us develop an effective and innovative communication and dissemination strategy.
Grapefruit was the perfect choice.
Grapefruit’s team of specialists quickly understood our needs and objectives, providing us with a communication strategy that incorporated best practices and tools, tailored to our target audience. This contributed significantly to increasing INGENIUM’s visibility both nationally and internationally.
We were impressed by the collaborative management developed by Grapefruit. The numerous consulting meetings and online interactions with our partners were managed professionally, leading to relevant wording and a well-structured implementation plan.
Another remarkable aspect was that the strategy was finalized ahead of the deadline and its presentation was a real success, reinforcing our partners’ confidence in TU IASI’s professionalism and commitment.
The collaboration with Grapefruit doesn’t stop here. We look forward to working together on future projects to support TU IASI’s institutional development and expand our international profile.
We highly recommend Grapefruit as a reliable, innovative, and efficient partner.”


Crafting an Innovative Digital Strategy

Every project is a learning experience. Our journey with INGENIUM underscored the significance of continuous dialogue, embracing diverse viewpoints, and making decisions anchored in tangible, actionable data. This experience not only reinforced our conviction in the power of collaboration and dedication but also illuminated the transformative potential of digital solutions. Beyond crafting a digital strategy, we were shaping the future of education in Europe. Grapefruit’s pride in playing a central role in this transformative process is immense.

Our collaboration with INGENIUM persists to this day, with Grapefruit’s team unwaveringly focused on contributing to the project’s growth and realizing its objectives. We remain steadfast in our commitment to championing digital excellence for our partners in the education field.

Crafting an Innovative Digital Strategy
Grapefruit | User Experience & Digital Creative Agency

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Digital & Software Development Agency

We specialize in crafting exceptional digital user experiences that solve business challenges and skyrocket growth through comprehensive projects and campaigns (UX & UI, software development, digital marketing).

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