Empowering Consumers: The Despre-Energie.ro Initiative by E.ON and Grapefruit

In the dynamic world of energy, bridging the gap between complex sectoral knowledge and public understanding is a formidable challenge. At Grapefruit, we thrive on such challenges. Our collaboration with E.ON Energie Romania, a leading energy supplier, and its sister company, Delgaz Grid, embarked on an ambitious journey to demystify the energy sector for over 3.4 million Romanians. This partnership was about enhancing digital communication and fostering a well-informed community empowered to make educated decisions about their energy consumption.

Empowering Consumers: The Despre-Energie.ro Initiative by E.ON and Grapefruit
The Challenge

When E.ON Energie Romania came to us, the task was clear yet complex.

The energy sector suffered from a significant information gap, leading to widespread misconceptions and a general sense of distrust among consumers. Our challenge was to transform these perceptions by creating a platform that not only provided clear and accessible information but also engaged and educated all stakeholders in the energy sector, including residential and business customers, journalists, and public institutions.

When E.ON Energie Romania came to us, the task was clear yet complex.
Our Approach

A comprehensive digital solution

Understanding the magnitude of this challenge, we proposed a comprehensive digital solution: the creation of despre-energie.ro. This platform was designed to serve as an independent, accurate source of energy information. Our goal was to simplify the complexities of the energy sector, making it accessible and understandable to everyone, regardless of their prior knowledge.

A comprehensive digital solution
The Journey

Commitment to digital innovation and strategic problem-solving

The development of despre-energie.ro was a testament to our commitment to digital innovation and strategic problem-solving. We began with a deep dive into the energy sector, identifying key areas where misunderstandings were most prevalent. Our team worked closely with E.ON Energie Romania to craft a content strategy that addressed these areas, focusing on clear, concise, and engaging information delivery.

One of the first difficulties we encountered was the need for a significant name change for the platform. This challenge required us to pivot quickly, demonstrating our flexibility and creative thinking. Additionally, we faced the task of restructuring our development team to ensure that we had the right mix of skills and expertise to meet the project's unique demands.

Despite these challenges, our focus remained unwavering. We developed a visual identity and style guide that resonated with the platform's mission, ensuring that every piece of content—be it an article, infographic, or video—was informative, but also visually appealing and engaging.

Commitment to digital innovation and strategic problem-solving

A collaborative effort that spanned several months.

Implementing the despre-energie.ro platform was a collaborative effort that spanned several months. We used Redmine for project management (later we switched to Jira), ensuring regular communication and progress tracking with both our team and the client. From the back-end and front-end development to content creation and social media strategy, every step was meticulously planned and executed.

One of the critical aspects of this project was the content. We developed a comprehensive content plan that included articles, analyses, practical advice, guides, and legislative updates. We aimed to cover every facet of the energy sector, providing a 360-degree view that would empower consumers with knowledge and understanding.

A collaborative effort that spanned several months.

Despre-energie.ro has become a cornerstone of energy education

Since its launch in June 2020, despre-energie.ro has become a cornerstone of energy education in Romania. The platform attracted more than 700k visitors, with a rich repository of over 800 pieces of editorial content. These numbers are a testament to the platform's success in bridging the information gap and fostering a more informed and engaged public.

But the impact of despre-energie.ro extends beyond just numbers. The platform has significantly improved the public's perception of the energy sector, transforming E.ON Energie Romania from a mere provider to a trusted advisor and source of reliable information. This shift enhanced E.ON's corporate image but has also played a pivotal role in promoting informed decision-making among consumers.

Despre-energie.ro has become a cornerstone of energy education

George Solomon

Communication & CSR Director, E.ON

Working with them has been quite a positive experience. The team was always professional and could often figure out what we needed before we even said anything. They understood our project so well that they always knew the next step to take. Moreover, Grapefruit’s team came up with creative and practical solutions that were cost-effective and got us great results. Communication was always clear and efficient. They delivered exactly what we wanted and met our established KPIs. They suggested changes at just the right times, spotting opportunities and making prompt adjustments. They additionally provided relevant and timely topics for our audience, which showed in the final stats.

George Solomon <p><strong>Communication & CSR Director, E.ON</strong></p>

A learning experience

Our journey with E.ON Energie Romania has been a learning experience, highlighting the importance of adaptability, strategic planning, and the power of digital innovation. We've learned that matching project requirements with team skills is crucial for success and that comprehensive budget planning cannot be overlooked.

A learning experience

The transformative power of digital strategies

Our collaboration with E.ON Energie Romania on the despre-energie.ro project stands as a testament to the transformative power of digital strategies in bridging information gaps and fostering public engagement. By creating a platform that simplifies complex information, we have enhanced E.ON's corporate image, but have also contributed to a more informed and empowered society.

This project underscores our belief in the potential of digital innovation to drive positive change. At Grapefruit, we are proud to have played a central role in this transformative process and look forward to continuing our work, championing digital excellence, and creating meaningful impacts in the lives of people and communities.

The transformative power of digital strategies
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Digital innovation to drive positive change

Inspired by our journey with E.ON Energie Romania? At Grapefruit, we're passionate about leveraging digital innovation to solve complex challenges and create impactful solutions.

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Digital innovation to drive positive change
Grapefruit | User Experience & Digital Creative Agency

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We specialize in crafting exceptional digital user experiences that solve business challenges and skyrocket growth through comprehensive projects and campaigns (UX & UI, software development, digital marketing).

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